Winter Remedies: Improve Your Immunity with Dracula Citrus

We are well and truly in the thick of Winter here in Australia and I’d bet that there is at least one person you know at the moment who has a pretty bad cold right now. In fact, I’d go as far to say that most people are onto their second cold (or flu). Sounds fun, doesn’t it?!

Most of us are quick to reach for the Sudafed Cold and Flu tablets to keep us going. That’s totally fine, by the way. I’m not here to judge anyone’s life choices. But some of nature’s finest immunity boosters are readily available right now. They’re cost effective, you can give them to the kids (no excluding those under 12) AND they taste delicious.

Yep, it’s citrus season and we here at Dracula Citrus have a bunch of citrus varieties out in the market that are not only rich in immunity building vitamin C but also high in fibre, making them a perfect winter remedy.

Fight off Colds – Pump Up Your White Blood Cell Count with Vitamin C

You’ve probably heard it a million times over “citrus fruits are a vitamin C powerhouse” that’s because they are. Each deliciously sweet citrus variety contains potent antioxidants crucial for immune support. Just ask Harvard Health. They confirmed that vitamin C is vital for the proper functioning of immune cells enhancing their ability to combat infections effectively. Say what?!

Vitamin C also helps to stimulate the production of white blood cells. And if you’re not familiar with why that is important, let’s just say that they’re the body’s frontline soldiers against infections and illnesses. My advice – load up on citrus to keep your immune system in fighting shape (quite literally).

Boost Your Overall Health: Fibre and Collagen

The Mayo Clinic highlights the importance of dietary fibre in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Regulating bowel movements, preventing constipation, and supporting a healthy gut microbiome should be on everyone’s radar and fibre is an essential element on this journey. Citrus fruits are an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre. Soluble fibre helps lower cholesterol by binding to it in the digestive tract and removing it from the body. Moreover, fibre contributes to feelings of fullness, aiding in weight management and promoting healthy eating habits.

Now onto collagen.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen the viral collagen face masks floating around social media right now?

They retail for about $80.

For one mask.

Turns out Vitamin C is a necessary component for collagen production. Aside from turning back the clock, collagen (a protein that aids in wound healing), supports skin health, and promotes the strength and integrity of bones, teeth, and blood vessels.

Now I’m not saying that eating citrus is going to stop you ageing but it’s not going to hurt your skin and bones. Just ask the National Institutes of Health. They’ll tell you that vitamin C is vital for collagen biosynthesis, crucial for maintaining skin, blood vessels, bones, and cartilage. Pretty neat. And your bank balance will thank you for it.

How to squeeze more citrus into your diet

If you’ve read this far you’ve probably got the idea that adding citrus to your daily diet is going to offer you a wide array of health benefits like boosted immunity, skin health support and aided digestion. The next question is how do we get some citrus into our diets each day?

Here’s a few ideas:

  • Whizz up some flavourful icy poles with orange juice and banana for the kids
  • Try adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to hot teas or soups for an extra vitamin C boost. Our Tomato and Orange Soup is a recipe that doesn’t disappoint.
  • Segment your navel oranges, blood oranges, mandarins, tangelos, dekopons or cara caras and add them to salads for a burst of flavour and nutrition. You can read more about their flavour profiles here
  • For a cosy, comforting and delicious treat, bake citrus segments and drizzle with honey and a little cinnamon for a healthy dessert.

Boost Your Health and Immunity with Vitamin C

By including citrus fruits in your winter dishes, you’ll enjoy a rock-star diet, satisfy your taste buds, and have an immune system ready to tackle colds and flu. Vitamin C in citrus is the key. Boost your immune system with these delicious and nutritious choices to stay at the top of your health all winter long!

Further reading

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